Assault Lawyer Midvale, UT

If you have been injured in an assault or been a victim of battery, a Midvale, UT, assault lawyer can help you learn about your legal options, including filing a civil suit for compensatory damages. Many assault and battery victims think that their legal options end with pressing criminal charges, but in fact, you have the right to sue the assailant or assailants (and any other party whose negligence or oversight created conditions for the assault to happen).

The attorneys at Pacific Legal Group can help you understand your options in Utah courts, both criminal and civil, and assert your rights in each. We have extensive experience helping victims of assault and battery, and we’re committed to shielding you from blame and advocating for your legal rights. Call today.

Midvale Assault Lawyer Protecting The Rights Of Violent Crime Victims

Assault and battery can take many forms. You may not realize that you were a victim of assault, with all the rights that entails. Contact our firm if you:

  • Were physically assaulted, including any unwanted touch or touched by bodily fluids
  • Got injured in a bar fight or fight in another public place
  • Are a victim of domestic violence
  • Have been sexually assaulted
  • Were injured in a traffic collision involving an intoxicated driver
  • Were hurt in an auto accident caused by a reckless driver
  • Are a victim of forearm or gun crimes

We represent victims who have been physically injured in a violent crime, as well as the family members of victims who sadly passed away due to the actions of a reckless, violent, or negligent assailant.

We know that money cannot replace a loved one or undo the harm done to you, but the financial settlement or jury award you receive after filing a civil suit can give you the means to seek psychological and medical care and move forward with your life without financial burdens from the assault.

Your Legal Options After An Assault

What happens after you’ve been assaulted depends on several factors. First, if you report the assault to the police, and charges are pressed against the assailant, they could face penalties in criminal court, including fines and a sentence in prison or jail.

However, victims of an assault also have the right to file a civil lawsuit against the perpetrator. You may have required medical care for your injuries and missed work to heal and emotionally recover from the assault. You deserve compensation for these losses, as well as consideration for the pain and suffering and emotional trauma you experienced. We can advise you of your options for a suit, protect your rights, and advocate for your interests during the assailant’s criminal trial. We’re on your side, and we fight for you.

Do You Need Help After An Assault?

Whether you need support while a criminal case is pending against your assailant or you wish to pursue justice on your own and demand fair compensation for your losses, a Midvale assault lawyer from Pacific Legal Group can help you. Contact us today for a personalized consultation to learn your legal rights and options.